
Update of the page “Wireless Sensor Networks: TinyAODV”

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I have just ended the page “Wireless Sensor Networks: TinyAODV”ieee802-15 logo of my website that you can see in the main menu above the web header, with a complete report about my work last year in this field of expertise.

I was doing my Master Thesis about the routing procotol AODV in Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR WPANs) using the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, so I worked several months with Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) using TinyOS, applications in nesC programming language and Crossbow Inc. IRIS motes, until my project was cancelled and I had to change the topic of my Master Thesis. But I always wanted to share the code and I refused to let that all that work would be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Here is the full code of the project in my Github repository:

I explain my project with details in the article:

Visual Basic .NET application with Microsoft Visual Studio

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Visual Basic was the first programming language I learnt (when I was in High School), but recently I had to refresh and upgrade my knowledge in order to create an visual App to simulate a Man-Machine Interface (MMI). We were a three-person team and we chose to do the App in Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET), the successor to the original Visual Basic language, due to the mandatory specifications for the MMI: a pure graphic interface with at most 394 x 296 pixels size.

The official development tool for .NET Framework and Visual Basic .NET is the Microsoft’s IDE Visual Studio, so we decided to use it. Although most of Visual Studio editions are proprietary software, you can get some useful freeware versions:

We had to select also the topic for the Man-Machine Interface, and we decided to develop a “House Automation system” and we called our app “My Intelligent House”. We focused on the usability and the functionality of the interface and not on the design, and as the test scenarios with real random users demonstrated, our App fulfilled all the characteristics of a good MMI because everyone could use it easily without a previous knowledge. At the end of the article there are some screenshots and I detail the Interface.

Here are the links to download the App from MEGA, both in a .RAR encripted file (password: visualstudio). The first link is only for the .exe file to see the MMI and test it; the second one is for the full code of the application. The third link is to the Github repository with the full code.

Screenshot Gallery: there are 4 panels. Home, that shows the overall house status and some relevant information; and three control panel to set the temperature, switch on/off the lights and open/lock the rooms.